The pain of losing one parent at an early age can have a very telling effect.
Those who have grown up in the sole custody of their mother’s or father’s know how much such a void fills like. They also know how the surviving parent becomes everything to them and the connection they share. A father plays the role of both a dad and mum so the kids grow up regarding him as such.
For years, Tonto Dikeh was known to have lost her mother when she was a toddler and her father sole-handedly took care of her. She only decided to release his picture a few months ago, and now feels comfortable to share more about the details of what they have together:
“He is my sugar daddy. I rub his belly and the pounds fall out. My old soldier, my love.”
You can feel the endearing connection she has with him and she got him one of her gold plated Iphones as well too. It’s very encouraging that some of our stars have held their parents in high esteem after they became successful and try their best to make them happy.
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