Friday, December 20, 2013

TERRIBLE: Girl, 13, Gives Birth To TRIPLETS Fathered By 61-Year-Old On The Run

«§» 20 December 2013 A 13-year-old girl has given birth to triplets in the capital of Santo Domingo in the Dominican RepublicThe father is a 61-year-old man who is now on the run from authorities who are looking to charge him with sexually abusing a child. The young mother told local media she was ‘happy’ with her three sons, whom she has named Samuel, Joshua and Jovanny. Teenage mother: The 13-year-old girl gave birth to her triplets, fathered by a 61-year-old man, in the Dominican Republic capital Santo Domingo (pictured) All three children are in the intensive care ward of a local hospital as the births were premature, but are all expected to survive.The age of consent is 18 in the Dominican Republic, yet it has one of the highest teen pregnancies in the world.Nearly 15 per cent of 15-19-year-olds in the Dominican Republic are mothers, with hundreds of babies born to girls under the age of 15 every year, according to ECPAT UK.On the run: The 61-year-old man is in hiding in the capital (pictured) as he is likely to be charged with sexually abusing a childThe Dominican Republic’s Code of Minors has recently been revised and has strengthened provisions against child abuse, including physical and emotional mistreatment, sexual exploitation and child labour, ECPAT UK said.The offences of child abuse carry a sentence of between twenty to thirty years and $2,000 – $10,000 fine.

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